Welcome to the first article in the "Status update" series, in these articles you will find information about our plans related to the future of the World War 3 project, answers to your questions and summaries of what we have already managed to achieve. This series will not appear at regular intervals, if we feel that we have collected enough questions or there have been some interesting events - that's when you will get a new episode of "Status update".

In the first edition, we will focus on events that have been strongly signaled by our community over the past six months.

To begin with, the solutions and changes that we have introduced together with S3 Operation Skyfront.

Reducing the number of technical breaks.

What have we done?

We have rebuilt the systems that allow us to manage the game in such a way that making changes such as connecting and configuring new servers can be done "on the fly", without the need to stop the main server that requires a technical break of at least an hour.

What does this bring from a player's point of view?

Far fewer maintenance that don't add anything new (from the player's point of view) to the game, but require the server to be shut down.


Verifying profiles and their progression every time a player logs into the game.

What have we done?

We have introduced additional verification and a profile backup (log). The profile will be checked every time with the database and log. This will eliminate problems with disappearing customization items.

What does this bring from a player's point of view?

If you have ever encountered the problem of an item disappearing from your unlocked equipment after an update or technical break. These changes have just eliminated this problem.



Moving to the solutions that have already been present in the game for some time, but we have not discussed them in detail.

Database expansion and optimization.

What have we done?

We have increased the number of physical machines interacting with the databases. Now all the information that is directed and received travels a 'shorter' and faster route.

What does this bring from a player's point of view?

For players, this means increased performance, reduced potential delays and lag present in the game. Gameplay is more enjoyable and free of inconvenience now.


Modernisation and optimization of the game servers.

What have we done?

The game's network code has been optimized to consume less of the resources of the server on which it is executed. In addition, we have replaced the machines with new - more efficient ones.

What does this bring from a player's point of view?

Significantly enhanced gameplay comfort, no micro-freezes or other phenomena affecting gameplay and performance in a bad way.


Game performance on weaker hardware - new graphics settings.

What have we done?

We have added new graphics settings to the game, aimed at improving performance on weaker computers.

Low character quality settings are responsible for the amount of detail and overall quality of operators models during gameplay.

Low weapon quality settings are responsible for the number of details and overall quality of weapon systems models during gameplay.

What does this bring from a player's point of view?

When these settings are enabled, overall performance including single frame rendering time and FPS count increases.


Region picker.

What have we done?

We have added the possibility to select the region (server) on which the player wants to play. The player's baseline is on the "Global" server with the best parameters for him.

What does this bring from a player's point of view?

Ability to choose the region in which the player wishes to play.


UNC and Equipment Transfer from web to the game.

What have we done?

We have fixed bugs that caused problems when transferring items from the web Equipment to the in-game one.

What does this bring from a player's point of view?

Item transfer problems no longer exist.


Prizes for the first Battle Pass.

What have we done?

We have fixed a bug whereby items, despite being unlocked, did not reach players and had to be disposed of manually by technical support.

What does this offer from the player's point of view?

All outstanding items, even if unnoticed by the player, are now available in the customization tab.


Error 40302.

What have we done?

We have diagnosed and fixed the causes causing this error.

What does this offer from the player's point of view?

Players can log into the game without any problems.


That's all in our first article in our 'Status Update' series. If you have any questions and want to keep up to date, feel free to join our Discord server.

And in the meantime. We keep working to make your game better, more polished and more enjoyable for everyone. Fall out Operators! Until next time.