Join the battle for Istanbul with OperationSKYFRONT!

Open Beta Patch Notes (September 26, 2022)

Following a period of maintenance, the following changes will be implemented in the Open Beta build of World War 3 launching on September 26, 2022, for players with Headstart access. This build will be available to all players for free on September 29, 2022.


  • XP Bonus (September 26–October 6): Receive additional XP from every battle fought through the Headstart and the first week of Open Beta!


  • Added full English (EN), French (FR), German (DE), Spanish (ES), Polish (PL), Russian (RU), Turkish (TR), and Arabic (AR) in-game localization.
  • Added the in-game Shop.
  • Added UNC, a premium currency used to make Shop purchases.
  • Added Mastery Achievements for Weapons and Strikes.
  • Added Tutorial (for shooting and movement).
  • Added reworked map: Smolensk (Tactical Ops).
  • Added XP Boosters.
  • Rebalanced Service Points (also known as SP, a non-premium in-game currency).
  • Accounts can be renamed using Service Points (costs 500 SP).


  • Weapon Mastery has been redesigned to ensure that important attachments are unlocked sooner.
  • The range of Commander Radio Strike Warnings has been increased to allow more reaction time.
  • The Armor Pack has been removed from the game. The Equipment Pack now restores armor in addition to grenades and gadgets.
  • The default attachment setup for M417 in the Marksman loadout has been changed.
  • AK-15 and Alpha now use proper 7.62x39mm magazines.
  • Muzzle velocities rebalanced on all automatic weapons.
  • Resolved bug that resulted in visual recoil on weapon whenever unequipping and equipping it.


  • 7.62x54mmR, 7.62x51 NATO, 9mm Parabellum, and .40 S&W
    • Slight range adjustments to calibers.
  • 870 MCS
    • Maximum range lowered to reduce lethality at distances over 20 meters.
  • Vepr-12
    • Minimum range increased to make its intended 2–3 hit kill range more efficient and consistently achievable.
  • M417
    • Increased weapon weight to 8 blocks.
    • Increased vertical recoil to make full auto fire at long-range harder to control.
  • Scar-H
    • Increased weapon weight to 7 blocks.
    • General increase to recoil to make full auto fire less consistent.
  • RPG
    • Splash damage decreased.
  • M200
    • Can now only equip long-range scopes in the Primary Sight slot.
  • PKP Pecheneg Bullpup, SA80, and MG5
    • Major recoil changes on all three weapons, making them easier to handle and control after the initial six shots (approximately).
  • 5.56 NATO, 7.62x39mm, 7.62 NATO, and 7.62x54mm
    • Increased maximum and minimum range of Compact Barrels.
  • G17
    • Decreased visual recoil for better weapon handling.


  • Improved animation of the container drop when spawning a vehicle on an objective.
  • Tweaks to positions of the APS on vehicles.
  • Range-dependent damage for explosive damage.
  • Damage fixes for the RCWS Grenade Launcher.
  • Altered visual effects of gunshots on RCWS and Drone turrets.
  • Reduced explosion range of AT RCWS missiles.
  • 57 caliber turret (secondary turret available on certain IFVs) reloads faster and deals more damage.
  • Changes to the durability of RCWS, APS, and Optics for vehicles—all are now easier to damage.
  • Improvements to vehicle descriptions in the hub.
  • Attachment fixes for vehicles in the hub.
  • Improvements to vehicle hitboxes.
  • Fixes to camo and armour that either displayed incorrectly or not at all.
  • Suspension improvements made to wheeled vehicles.
  • Corrections to the rotation speed of vehicles’ wheels.
  • Improvements to cameras on tracked and wheeled vehicles.
  • Fixes to hitboxes, hit points, and prices of Flying Drones.
    • Lower prices should make Flying Drones a better investment!
  • Added AT APS LIGHT: blocks one bullet and turns off for a specified period of time.
  • Renamed AT APS: now AT APS HEAVY.
  • Changes to AT APS HEAVY: cooldown takes longer and blocks 4 rockets maximum.
  • General improvements to strike presentation in the hub menu.
  • Ammunition slot resets when changing the currently selected turret to a strike in the hub.
  • Vehicle statistics tracking.


  • Head glitch corrected for standing and crouching poses when wielding all in-game weapons.
  • New vehicle drop animations (reworked cutscene).
  • New quadbike driver behaviour in third-person perspective (TPP) animations.
  • New buggy driver behaviour in TPP animations.
  • Bug fixes for all chests, pants, and gloves in-game, especially on chemlights (colored lights that mark team members, squad members, and enemies).
  • Corrected level of detail for character: helmets, chests, pants, and gloves.
  • New first-person perspective (FPP) animations when moving with RPG7, resulting in a smoother look.
  • Added new FPP animations including vaulting, sliding, and climbing.
  • Resolved issues when dropping and equipping weapon magazines in TPP.
  • New animations for transitions with C4 for on-back and prone poses.
  • Issue with FPP camera penetrating walls during on-back to prone transitions when characters lie near walls fixed for all weapons.
  • MCS870 weapon animations polished.
  • MSBS-K reloads in FPP polished for a better visual experience.
  • MCS870 movement animations in FPP polished, with many new animations added including sliding, vaulting, and climbing.
  • Character idle poses polished to show a better grip on lower part and sides of weapons.
  • New sliding animations in FPP implemented for TOCHNOST and G29 sniper rifles.
  • Turning in place animations polished in TPP for smoother transitions.
  • New FPP climbing and high climbing animations added when holding all grenades.
  • Many bug fixes for weapon reloading in TPP, character animations blending in TPP, and more in-engine improvements to optimize character movement and behavior.
  • Improved FPP walking animation to make it more synchronized with movement.
  • Improved FPP sprinting animations when carrying rifles and battle rifles so certain scopes don’t obscure peripheral vision.


  • Optimized duration vehicle repair points appear once awarded.
  • Fixed how incorrect tooltips were displayed when interacting with aerial and land drones.
  • Added color change to squad widget - you can now customize the color of your squad outside of the default value.
  • Fixed jamming bug that occurred when leaving or entering a strike.
  • New ammo types are displayed on vehicle HUDs.
  • Added coloring to nicknames in the hub.
  • Scoreboard optimized.
  • Fixed vehicle seat widget colouring.
  • Capture points widget optimization.
  • Added cannon name types on vehicle HUDs.
  • Scoreboard correctly fits different display resolutions.
  • Scoreboard correctly updates score while displayed on-screen.
  • Added spectated player mark when viewing the full map.
  • Changed leader responsibility message to show the correct capture points.
  • Changed soldiers’ marker sizes when using an air strike for better visibility.
  • Resolved bug that caused UAV attachment marker from land drones to remain after drone’s destruction.
  • Chat visibility lowers if unused for a certain period of time.
  • Fixed player lists size on scoreboard.
  • Added option to mute another player via scoreboard or radial menu.
  • Strike points calculation improved.
  • HUD information displayed when using gadgets improved.
  • Animated banners implemented.
  • Bug fixes and improvements to in-game customization.
  • Vehicle lock state information display improved.
  • Fixed blinking markers while using UAV.
  • Scoreboard now displays the current player amount per team correctly (e.g. Team Deathmatch will show all 10 players per side).
  • In-game item descriptions are now localized in all languages.
  • Localization improvements for all languages.
  • Next unlock preview now only shows items pertaining to the upcoming level.


  • Fixed problems related to ambient sounds after loading the next map.
  • Optimized ways to load audio banks and manage their overall memory pools.
  • Improved the sound of certain weapons, including gunshots and silenced shots.
  • Increased the minimal audibility range of all long-range weapons, including sniper rifle shots.
  • Added additional language localizations in Arabic and Turkish for character voices and commanders.
  • Eliminated problems with footstep inaudibility when a character moved at an angle in ADS mode.
  • Systems responsible for room reverberations with ambient sounds have been optimized.
  • Improved the sound of reverberations in certain rooms, their volume levels, and added new ambient sounds on maps.


  • MG5: Changed default barrel to Standard Barrel.
  • M4 MWS: Standard Barrel without sights no longer uses a customization slot.
  • SD: Barrel’s Integrated Suppressor no longer uses a customization slot.
  • SA80: LMG Barrel Bipod no longer uses a customization slot
  • MCS: Fixed an issue when at three used customization slots, changing the barrel would result in the “REPLACE ATTACHMENT” screen displaying.


  • Fixed a bug where kills with Leo counted to T-72.
  • Fixed driver accuracy in career/stats/vehicles, where it could go above 100%.
  • Fixed mute button not working on Scoreboard.
  • Fixed a bug where players who returned to the main menu were not kicked.
  • HUD/Settings: Fixed invalid resolution scale limit and default value.
  • Fixed a bug where statistics/progression could be counted on the wrong inventory item.
  • Fixed server crashes on the summary screen.
  • Weapon changes are now possible by cycling to the previous weapon/next weapon even when holding a gadget.
  • Fixed a bug where the Loitering Anti-Armor Munition (Aerial Drone) rotor did not spin.
  • Fixed a bug where “SquadOrderFollowed” as a condition for Achievements, challenges, end-of-round statistics, and in-game point rewards was counted each time the Target Capture Point was changed, instead of squad orders followed.
  • Fixed a bug where Rejoin didn’t work.
  • Fixed a bug where the Palestinian and Puerto Rican flags caused part of the US gear from the Major Pack to turn black.
  • Fixed a bug that caused friends to be missing from the friend list if not logged in.
  • Fixed a bug where players could not start a match after trying to join a full squad.
  • Fixed a bug that created visual issues on maps when finishing a match.
  • Fixed a session/token bug caused by an Invited player being offline.
  • Fixed a bug that caused ‘zombie lobbies’. Players will no longer be placed in lobbies which have ended, which previously resulted in being kicked to the menu after attempting to load into a map.
  • Fixed an untranslated string in the ESC menu while in-match.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the direction of bombing to reset after closing the tablet.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes wouldn’t allow players to switch off the Scoreboard.
  • Fixed a bug related to the HUD that caused the client to crash.
  • Fixed a bug related to the ESC menu that caused the client to crash.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a crash when opening the Scoreboard.
  • Added the old progression tree to the RPG.
  • Fixed a bug where the matchmaker would not increase mode selection.
  • Fixed a bug where parties did not have a party leader.
  • Fixed a bug where party member levels would not be updated in the hub after a match.
  • Fixed a bug where every rejoin was counted as a new match played in stats.
  • Fixed a bug related to the loading screen that caused the client to crash.
  • Fixed a bug where spawning vehicles caused the client to crash.
  • Fixed a bug where players could shoot forward while in the quad as a passenger.
  • Fixed a bug that resolves the difference between locked weapon levels in the ESC menu and the main menu hub.
  • Fixed a bug where the Bundeswehr Beltkit and the Bundeswehr Beltkit with Jacket would clip into certain face gear and cause a visual overlap.
  • Fixed a visual bug related to pants.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the wrong icon to appear on kill feeds during an explosion.
  • Corrected default banners and emblems.
  • Fixed a bug where the US Army chest’s glowstick was thicker than it should be.
  • Added a visual change to the JPC Vest and JPC Vest with Jacket, which now feature a small piece of metal behind the dongle used for Sentences.
  • Fixed a bug on the ESC menu where translations where missing on backpack custom configurations.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the completion of certain types of challenges.
  • Fixed a bug where Achievements were incorrectly counted.
  • Fixed a bug where the Russian Partizan Chest would clip into the camera and block vision when moving while crouched.
  • Fixed a bug where invitations could not be received from friends.
  • Fixed a bug that made it possible to skip strike selection when loading into the map.
  • Fixed a bug that made unlocked loadouts unavailable at the beginning of matches.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Scoreboard to miss players post-match.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Scoreboard to block the restoration of health, ammo, and equipment.
  • Fixed a bug that made it possible to skip equipment selection when loading to the map.
  • Fixed an issue with mirrored flags appearing on certain gear.
  • Fixed a bug where players would remain in thermal vision if the warmup ended while aiming down sights.
  • Fixed a bug that awarded the wrong value of XP while attacking and defending capture points.
  • Fixed a bug where the scoreboard displayed unrealistic player levels.
  • Fixed a bug where certain statistics for the Anders (Tank Destroyer) were not counted properly (including distance and time).
  • Fixed a bug where pressing Tab would lock the Q and E buttons.
  • Fixed a bug when aiming at the M200 through secondary sight that caused the T12M offset screen to appear.
  • Fixed a bug with player profiles that caused nicknames and levels to display a string of numbers.
  • Fixed a bug that triggered the "You have been kicked from the server" message during a match.
  • Fixed a bug where players were not kicked from the hub during a mass kick, and players could still join the server.
  • General Localization: Fixed a bug where keybinds wouldn’t remap automatically on non-QWERTY keyboards, and Gameplay Tips wouldn’t update automatically after a layout change.
  • Polish: Fixed a bug that caused Achievements to show in English on pop-ups.
  • Turkish: Fixed a bug where time limit was shown in English.
  • Arabic: Updated localizations.
  • Arabic: Fixed issues with text alignment on Team Deathmatch loading screens.
  • Arabic: Fixed issues with text alignment on Tactical Ops loading screens.
  • Arabic: Fixed broken Arabic script in out-of-bounds message.
  • Arabic: 00 numbers on score board no longer appear as numerical digits.
  • Arabic: Fixed a bug where text cut off in certain places in-game.
  • Arabic: Fixed a bug that caused the name of the Training map to cut off on the loading screen.
  • Arabic: Fixed untranslated text in the strikes loadout and menu title.
  • Arabic: UI fixes.
  • Arabic: Fixed a bug that caused the statistics bar for strikes to only work on some vehicle strikes.

These patch notes also include changes previously implemented in the Pre-Open Beta build.

For more information and to track the live status of World War 3, follow our official channels on Discord and Twitter.