The Farm 51 is actively working on new improvements for World War 3 to ensure all players can enjoy a technically stable and solid gameplay experience. The Technical Roadmap showcases what we’re working on, what we’ve been working on (and fixed), and our technical plans for the near future.

Scroll down for more details on each section, and keep an eye on the latest news and official World War 3 social media channels for progress updates.


Improved Database Communication     

The main database is one of the most important elements of the game's technical infrastructure. It contains information about players' stats, progress, actions, and more. A well-optimized database makes fewer requests to the master server, putting less stress on the server system. By carefully optimizing the database and its requests, we greatly reduced the number of timeouts and authorization issues and generally improved the play experience for a majority of players.


Timeouts occur when the master server is overwhelmed by requests from the game or database. Careful optimization work greatly reduced the occurrence of issues experienced since the Open Beta launch.

Authorization Issues     

Authorization issues create an inability to log into the game. This issue was prevalent during the launch and was mainly connected to the number of players joining the game. It was caused by the fact that the authorization process was actually a part of the game's initialization screen. Splitting these processes up and performing additional optimization work resolved the issue.

Players Stuck in Lobbies              

Many players became stuck in the lobby indefinitely while trying to find a match. This was caused by slow request times related to communication between the master server and the database. Additional optimization performed on the database allowed us to drastically improve this process, and now this issue is affecting a very small number of players. We are working to eliminate it entirely.

Game Crashes When Accepting Friend Requests              

This was one of the most annoying bugs for team players. It was fixed so no more crashes like this can occur.

Infinite Loading Screens (Steam)             

Players were unable to pass the loading screen if they did not run the Steam application. We have changed the .dll file to fix the problem, so now players can run the game without also having Steam running in the background.

Party Issues      

Party functionality suffered a number of player issues after the Open Beta launch. Players could not invite their friends to a party, and sometimes a party would be disbanded right after the match, and we also had instances of players being kicked during a game if another party member left. Most of these issues have been resolved by tweaking the server settings. We are still monitoring any issues connected to the party system to ensure players enjoy a seamless multiplayer experience.


Increasing CCU Peak (More Players In-Game)    

Server optimization is important, but the challenge is to find a way to better distribute the load that the master server must handle among the cores used by the master server. Currently, we have four cores, but the stress is directed through only one of them. The more cores we use, the less stress on each of them. Distributing the load gives us the potential for a much higher player capacity.

Increasing Number of Dedicated Servers

Extensive hardware expansion gave the team the opportunity to raise the hard cap of players, allowing for shorter queues and overall faster waiting times to get into the game.

Improving Matchmaking Geolocation   

The proper geographic distribution of players is one of the key ways to ensure all players have the same seamless experience. Changes made to matchmaking logic drastically improved players' ping and reduced the number of complaints related to server-side issues such as rubberbanding, faulty hit registration, and others.


Increasing Data Load Capacity (More/Upgraded Database Hardware for Smoother Communication Processes)

The distribution of load is possible not only with the master server itself but with the database too. The distribution of requests made by the database to the master server is another way of optimization that is currently under development.

UNC & Inventory Transfer Issues             

Resolving missing UNC and item transfers from the World War 3 website and Inventory is one of our most pressing issues, and we will strive to provide all affected players with their owed content as soon as possible. 

Items Progression Locked / Missing Profile

Many players experienced progression loss or realized that some items were locked despite the necessary level requirements to unlock them being reached. The team is hard at work on solving this issue and will provide compensation to any affected users.

Active Boosters Lost During Maintenance           

Boosters do not currently stop their countdown if the game undergoes maintenance. The team is working to fix the issue so players are not penalized for downtime beyond their control.


Server Performance & Optimisation      

Continued work on server optimization.

Game Stability 

Continued work on improving game systems and infrastructure.

Minor Fixes       

Eliminating any remaining bugs.