Whether you’ve got an eye for a deal or looking to craft a unique style and military identity in World War 3, the Shop is the place to be. Discover the latest Weekly Shop Spotlight, now available in the World War 3 Shop!


Cut enemies down to size with the MG5 Woodcutter! Packing a bipod, a high-power scope with an angled red dot, and a marksman barrel, this machine gun is well suited to taking on infantry at range.

The MG5 replaces the previously used MG3 LMG, whose design dates back to World War II. Chambered in 7.62 NATO and designed with modularity in mind, it is an accurate, robust, and dependable firearm that has seen action in various roles in armies worldwide.


Be sure to check out the other items currently on offer, including:

  • Operator Blueprints: Akh Unit, USMC Response, Spetsnaz White Boar, VDV Schturm, and Bundeswehr Tropentarn
  • Weapons: Tochnost Desert Rat, M200 Cold Operations, and M4 MWS Night
  • Strikes: Gargoyle Brigade, SCOUT SV Marshy, Abrams Forest, and GTK Forest Spirit
  • Identification Sets: Heavy Gunner and In Darkness

Hit the Shop before it refreshes on January 5!