Sometimes outgunning your enemies isn’t enough. You may need to outmaneuver them, and knowing where and how to move could make all the difference between victory and defeat. Join us as we take a closer look at traversal in World War 3 in our latest Feature Spotlight!


Any FPS worth its salt has a smooth and responsive movement system, and like every other aspect of World War 3, we set out to achieve a tangible level of realism in player movement. We wanted players to consider their loadout by having dynamic factors in play, including armor and loadout, which can impact their speed and stamina.

Your mobility, which is your ability to easily and swiftly get around on the battlefield, can be affected by your weight. Depending on your loadout, you might be able to sprint quickly through dangerous hotspots. With a heavier approach, you could also move slowly yet methodically from cover to cover, waiting for an opening to launch a counter-attack. However, while heavier armor will protect you at close range, it will also make you vulnerable at long-range, and an easy target for faster players to outflank.

Try to optimize your loadout for the best approach!


Whether you’re fully upright, crouched, prone, or on your back, there are a wealth of tactical traversal options and positions available to you:

  • Sprinting (Press ‘Shift’): Run like the wind.
  • Fast Sprinting (Press ‘Shift’ twice rapidly): Hotfoot it out of danger, or even towards it… but watch your stamina.
  • Crouch Sprinting (Press ‘Shift’ while crouching): Move faster while remaining cautious and covered.
  • Prone Sprinting (Press ‘Shift’ while prone): Get moving quickly from a prone position.
  • Vaulting (Press ‘Spacebar’ while close to an obstacle): Don’t let obstacles stand in your way. Effortlessly vault over obstacles and ledges while walking, sprinting, or fast sprinting!
  • Climbing (Press ‘Spacebar’ while jumping towards a ledge): Clamber up on ledges or towards the higher ground for a better vantage point, or to make your escape.
  • Leaning  (Press ‘Q’ or ‘E’): Need to get a better shot or check out potential danger around the corner? Lean into it!
  • Freelook  (Press ‘Alt’): Survey your entire surroundings while you’re vulnerable to watch out for enemies.
  • Prone Position (Press ‘Z’): Keep a low profile to avoid enemies’ lines of sight or get the jump on them.
  • Prone-to-Back Position Change (Press ‘A’ or ‘D’ while prone): Feel like someone’s watching you? Quickly switch from a prone position to lying on your back to cover your six.

Use your knowledge to tear enemies a new one in close combat, or silently stalk the shadows and strike decisively when the time is right. Combine what you’ve learned to become a master of traversal in World War 3!