
In addition to the new Stronghold mode and the new Ruins of Gobi map. We have prepared a bunch of fixes and new features for you!


List of Update 1.1 Changes


New features:

  • Added new game mode: Stronghold
  • Added new map “Ruins of Gobi” to Stronghold mode


  • The visual effects of goggle lenses and masks have been fixed. They now look more natural
  • Mechanix gloves have a revised texture



  • Fixed some of the respawn points in inappropriate places
  • Added some missing collision models


  • Fixed some of the respawn points in inappropriate places


  • Improved lighting map, eliminating unnatural dark spots visible in different parts of the map

Moscow Senate:

  • Textures inside buildings have been fixed


  • The appearance of some buildings has been improved


  • Improved some textures

User interface:

  • A rare bug causing problems during loading the battle summary screen has been fixed


  • Fixed thumbnails of some items that didn't fit into frames


  • Issues causing vehicles to shoot into the air or drive them into places not intended for them have been fixed
  • Humpvi added as level 15 progression vehicle


  • The choice of camouflage no longer affects the color of the rear lights


  • Added inactivity animations after a few seconds of stationary to the following weapons: SIG, Glauberyt, RPG-7, PPZR Piorun, YTG, PF3, DMG nine-milli, Deagle, Parm-12, Pecheneg bullpup, MG5, SA80, KNT-762, MSBS-B, QBZ-95
  • AK 15 is now one of the weapons available at level one
  • AK 15: Experience thresholds levels have been reduced so that progress is faster
  • M4 MWS is now one of the weapons available at level one
  • M4 MWS: Experience thresholds levels have been reduced so that progress is faster
  • KNT-762 added as a level 11 progression weapon
  • Parm-12 Shotgun added as a level 17 progression weapon
  • YTG Rocket Launcher added as a level 17 progression weapon
  • Karakal added as a level 33 progression weapon


  • Added new backend functionality to make our work easier

Fall out Operators!